Lynn Klemmer
born on 29.10.1994

Lynn Klemmer is a multimedia artist. She graduated at the National College of Art and Design in Dublin with a BA in Fine Art & Visual Culture (2017) and at the University of Potsdam with an MA in European Media Studies (2023).
Her practice works at the crossroads of analog and digital media, seeking to reconsider the place of the human in a rapidly evolving algorithmic, urban and natural landscape. By merging various visual elements, from natural imagery to digital symbols, advertisements and desolate urban structures, her films and installations suggest dissonant atmospheres and form hybrid audiovisual realities.
She is also a co-founder of Mnemozine, a Luxembourgish interdisciplinary research and
art collective which manifests itself as a platform for experiments in philosophy, sociology and contemporary art practice. As co-director of Six Minutes Past Nine, she is currently hosting a virtual research and studio program.


(Upcoming) MNEMONIUM, Spektrum Rumelange (with Mnemozine)

The Collective Laboratory, Mudam, Luxembourg (with Mnemozine)

GET OUT (Group), Kulturfabrik,

Electric Light (Group), Le Mètre Carré, Metz
11.05 - 17.06.23

LEAP2022, Rotondes, Luxembourg
18.1- 04.12.2022  

I Will Not Return To A Universe Of Objects That Don’t Know Each Other (Solo), Casino Display, Luxembourg
09.07 - 06.08.2022

What Fires Together Wires Together (Solo), Casino Display, Luxembourg
06.05 - 15.05.2022

Digitally Mediated Daydreams (Group), PhilaMOCA, Philadelphia, 06.01.2022

Soft Agitators, Saarländische Galerie (Group), Berlin, Germany, 11.11 - 18.12.2021

Ortstermin 21 (Group), Berlin, Germany, 27.08 - 29.08.2021

Triennale Jeune Création (Group), Rotondes/ Casino, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
02.07 - 29.08.2021

(Can’t) Stay at Home (Group), Kinnéksbond, Mamer, Luxembourg
24.04 - 02.05.2021

Mechanical Eye (Solo), CeCil’s Box, Cercle Luxembourg, Luxembourg
28.01 - 25.04.2021

NCAD 2017 Graduate Show (Group), NCAD, Dublin, Ireland

Twenty Something (Group), Eblana House, Dublin, Ireland

End of the Lane (Group), John Street West, Dublin, Ireland
Common Ground (Group), NCAD, Dublin, Ireland 2016

Earth Body Street Sky (Group), Old A4 Art Shop, Dublin, Ireland

End of the Year Show (Group), NCAD, Dublin, Ireland


Spektrum Rumelange (with Mnemozine), 22-28.04.24

The Collective Laboratory, Mudam, Luxembourg (with Mnemozine)

Artist in residence at Kulturfabrik/Bridderhaus, Esch-Alzette

Artist in residence at Casino Display, Luxembourg
Artist Talks

“Art and New Technologies”, Luxembourg Art Week in collaboration with and LetzAI, Luxembourg, 10.11.2023

“Ni ici, ni ailleurs - Le numérique et d’autres fantômes”, Le Mètre Carré, Metz

Organised artist colloquium “From Ether to Eden”, Casino Display, Luxembourg


Masterclass in Experimental/Personal Filmmaking with Rouzbeh Rashidi, Berlin Art Institute, February 2024

Universität Potsdam October 2019 - July 2023 Master of Arts Europäische Medienwissenschaft

National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland
September 2014 – June 2017
Bachelor of Arts (Joint Major) First Class Honours Fine Art (Media) & Visual Culture

Lycée de Garçons Esch-Alzette September 2007 – June 2014 Diplôme de Fin d’Etudes Secondaires Latin — Fine Art

Work experience and internships

Led the workshop “What is a Glitch?”, Lycée Technique Guillaume Kroll, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg

Led the workshop “Maybe, Maybe Not: Algorithmic learning, or how to confuse your algorithm”, Lycée des Arts et Métiers, Luxembourg 25.03.2022.

Led the workshop “Wir zeichnen die Zukunft”, Casino Display, Luxembourg
07.07.2021, 08.07.2021

Moderated the panel discussion with Dr. Suzanne Livingston: “Gods, Ghosts and Golems Philosophical Perspectives on Europe, Asia and AI.” Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg 28.10.2022

Co-curated “Hybrid Realities :Lab”, NewArt.City (Virtual Show, 11 Artists)

Co-curated “Sticky Flames: Bodies, Objects and Affects”, Casino Display, 2021 (Group Show, 5 Artists)

Public Relations at Still Magazine, Berlin, Germany
March 2019 - March 2020

Jury Member of Photographic Explorations Project Interior Exhibition, Berlin, Germany July 2019

Internship at Anagram Books, Berlin Oktober 2017 – February 2018

Internship at The Library Project, Dublin March 2017 – April 2017

Awards and Achievements 

Finalist of LEAP2022 Award

Nominated for Edward Steichen Award 2022

Bachelor Thesis with commendation: “Reconsidering Narratives in Contemporary Art: A case study of Ilya Kabakov’s The Man Who Flew into Space from his Apartment and Fiona Tan’s A Lapse of Memory”, NCAD, Dublin, Ireland 2017

Auguste Van Werveke-Hanno Foundation Artist Grant

Lions International Club Esch-Alzette Luxemburg Künstler Stipendium 2014

First Place at Jonk Konscht zu Esch, Gallerie Kulturfabrik, Esch-Alzette, Luxembourg 2014

Knowledge and Skills 

Fluent in English, German, French and Luxembourgish